I just found an article on informationweek.com that covered stories of 5 people who went from the typical 9-5 drone to exploring their passions, and making buttloads of money doing it.
I’ve been saying since I entered this industry, that I consider myself beyond lucky to be 22 years old and loving my job as much as i do.
I get up in the morning and once I’m past the usual “don’t wanna get out of bed” feelings, going to work is something that I realize I’ll enjoy once I get there. I work with talented people on interesting projects. And i get to be creative and expressive with my talents all day long.
But entrepreneurship has always been in my blood. Thinking as far back as when i was a little kid, and my dad had a home-office for part of his chiropractic practice. I used to go into our backyard, collect rocks, paint them and then sell them as door stoppers and paperweights to his patients. I couldn’t have been older than 8 or 10.
So I’ve always had the “sales” part in me, the snag has been in finding that thing that everyone wants to buy…coming up with that “million dollar idea”.
I’m not looking for easy money, I fully understand and appreciate the amount of hard work that the people interviewed in this article put in to get where they are.
But something has to be said about the level of satisfaction they must feel knowing that they were behind something that lots of people enjoy or benefit from on a daily basis.
THAT is what I long to be a part of.
My current employment is the closest ive felt to that, and with all possibilities considered of what may happen in months to come…maybe I’m there and just don’t know it yet.