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Alex Hillman

better coworking, better business, and better communities

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BlogPhiladelphia – Social media awareness for Philadelphia and abroad

1 minute read
by Alex Hillman

Since I started working with Annie (who totally rocks, by the way) on this project, I’ve managed to swing the format into a hybrid format of “Unconference” presenter/breakout session format and Open Grid Sessions, not unlike the hybrid barcamp event Web2.Open.

The reason? I (and Annie, of course) see this as a platform for generating awareness in Philly about what is going on in the realm of social media, blogging, collaboration, and all of those juicy things you may have noticed that I get myself wrapped up in. This means that YOU.

Do you live in Philly and do something related to social media, web marketing, innovation, creativity, or any of the above? BlogPhiladelphia could be an opportunity for you to show the world that you’re here and you’re doing awesome stuff.

On the flip side, if you aren’t from Philly, this is going to be the weekend to come check us out.

Already on the roster for presentations and session leaders are:

For information on registration; details on sessions, panels, panelists and attendees; links to recommended hotel packages and Amtrak discounts; and details on Philadelphia attractions, visit

This will help make sure you can find the most useful resources. I respect your privacy & email. Absolutely no spam, and I won't ever share your data. Pinky promise! 🤞

Hey, thanks for reading!

Alex Hillman I am always thinking about the intersection of people, relationships, trust and business. I founded Indy Hall in 2006, making us one of oldest fully independent coworking communities in the world. This site is packed with the lessons and examples I’ve learned along the way. You can find me on Twitter, too! 🐦 Say hi.