How cool is this: Last night I met with the guys at P’unk Ave about some potential coworking opportunities, as well as other community outreach exercises.
During our discussion, they talked about something called Junto…apparently Ben Franklin had something very similar to Barcamp here in Philadelphia back in the 1700s. According to WP, they shared views on things like “morals, politics, and natural philsophy”.
Furthermore, from what it sounds like, Benny boy would be pretty proud to know that the inhabitants of his city were working together towards “mutual improvement” via Barcamp and coworking.
I’m literally floored by this, its some of the most exciting history about my city I’ve ever read. If this isn’t inspiring…I don’t know what is.
At any rate, the conversation started with Geoff and Alex @ P’unk Ave (which is short for Passyunk Ave, one of the oldest roads in the city that they live and work on…very clever) was awesome, and I’m excited to see what kind of collaboration these guys can get involved with. We’re already talking about a Barcamp (P’unkCamp?), and they have some great ideas of their own to use their space for the whole community. Kick-ass!
In the mean time, don’t forget to check out CreativeCamp, whose 3rd incarnation is being held on March 31st (just a few weeks away!). Sign up, come hang out with us, and get down with some Junto of your own!