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Alex Hillman

better coworking, better business, and better communities

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Posts about #coworking (Page 9 of 11)

Looking for coworking best practices from one of the oldest coworking spaces in the world? You’re in the right place!

This collection includes my full back-catalog of articles for coworking founders, staff and even coworking members!

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Where Jobs Come From

1 minute read

I just got a pretty interesting email from a small business incubator asking, quite simply, if we keep track of how many jobs have been created by Indy Hall. Of all of the metrics that I’ve wished I could provide, this one simply hadn’t crossed my mind because it represents an...

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Why Monocultures Suck

1 minute read

Living in a society where we encounter different backgrounds and professions in our daily routines makes for a more tolerant society; it also makes us smarter, more original in the ideas we have – and in the companies we create. – Steven Johnson

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A Few Modest Proposals for the Knight Arts Challenge: Philadelphia

5 minute read

Earlier in September, the Knight Foundation announced a program to bring $9 million to Philadelphia to fund projects and ideas that fueled the arts in Philadelphia over the next 3 years. After successfully executing a similar challenge in Miami 2 years ago, Philadelphia became...

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The Real Value of Bootstrapping

1 minute read

There’s a lot of reasons not to give up a slice of your passion or business to somebody else, but Tony hits a home run as to the real reason why in his reflection “Alone at NWC“.

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How did I get here?

17 minute read

If a “career” is the sum of the activities which make up a person’s work history and future, mine is unorthodox, to say the least.

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Coworking Lets Things Happen

1 minute read

Do yourself a favor and watch these two videos ASAP:

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Coworking Day

3 minute read

Last week, Cadu de Castro Alves of Bees Office in Rio de Janeiro (!!!) noticed that it was nearly the 5 year anniversary of when Brad Neuberg announced coworking at The Spiral Muse in San Francisco.

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Thoughts on “Scaling” Coworking

5 minute read

The power of coworking is not in the facilities, because those elements are commodities and have forever decreasing value. Scaling facility up is relatively easy…you can just throw more money at it. And despite how you might feel about funding your efforts, money is and will a...

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Why freemium doesn't work for coworking

8 minute read

In the last 4 years, I’ve come up with some pretty wacky ideas for how to get IndyHall into the brains of more people and, more importantly, the coworking concept into the mindshare of the ever-changing workforce.

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We bought

7 minute read

Less than one week ago, an unlikely e-mail found it’s way into my inbox. Actually, it found it’s way into 2300+ inboxes connected to the Coworking Google Group, which arguably the most active singular location to find out about coworking, share ideas about coworking, and meet ...

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Coworking Churn Rates

2 minute read

Coworking is growing, and there’s no question about that. New spaces are opening to the tune of a few a week, and press coverage is anything but limited.

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Why coworking spaces close

3 minute read

The closing of Workspace in Vancouver is really, really sad news. I only visited workspace for the first time in this past year, but it’s always been an inspiration from a space design/utilization standpoint for me. I met with Dane while I was there in February, and have the u...

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It’s not Coworking if: you’re renting desks

1 minute read

If you’re renting desks via leases instead of cultivating community via memberships, it’s not coworking.

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Beehive Baltimore Coworking opens February 2nd with 25 members.

1 minute read

Congratulations to Dave Troy, Newt Fowler, and the whole Baltimore community for what might be one of the fastest paced “call to action” to “space openings” I know about.

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IndyHall part of the feature in Philly Weekly

1 minute read

IndyHall and a number of other (but hardly all) of the members of the fabulous geek scene we’ve been a part of over the last 2 years got a really great FRONT PAGE feature in this week’s Philadelphia Weekly.

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Does coworking have a hyphen?

2 minute read

Some would say, “Tomato, Tomato, Potato, Potato, Let’s call the whole thing off”.

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you’re only screwed if you suck

3 minute read

I hate to add to the droves and droves of commentary and confusion around the fact that our economy is, well, not doing so well.

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Rant: Coworking vs. Incubator

5 minute read

Recently on the coworking list, the “what is coworking” debate has flared up again, this time comparing it to an incubator.

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the importance of a clubhouse

5 minute read

This past weekend we celebrated the one year anniversary of IndyHall’s grand opening. I’ve been making it a point to clearly define what we were celebrating, for a reason. At our party, I added some clarity to the point.

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One Year at IndyHall to the day.

1 minute read

Amazing how far we came from sitting on the floor to packing the house and tearing up the Philly Scene on a regular basis.

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