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Alex Hillman

better coworking, better business, and better communities

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Coworking & Citizenship

1 minute read

From a new piece in Flying Kite today:

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Sex, Coworking, and Rock n’ Roll

9 minute read

Most of the time, when a topic or trend gets big enough, people consider it an “industry” and they start to organize conferences for people to gather around the topic.

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Coworking EU Conference in Berlin – Keynote + Video

1 minute read

This morning I woke up in Berlin and spoke to a room of over 200 international coworking space owners, coworking catalysts, coworking enthusiasts, and a whole bunch who I’d call “coworking curious”.

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Hello, Philly Mag

1 minute read

Well look at that. Indy Hall and our cohousing collaboration with Postgreen Homes & DIGSAU is one of the features in this month’s Philadelphia Magazine titled, “The Indy Hall Experiment“.

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Visual Cues for Better Coworking

2 minute read

We’ve done a lot of experimenting with desk layouts at Indy Hall.

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Coworking Core Values Series, Translated

1 minute read

My series of essays on the 5 coworking core values have begin being translated & interpreted!

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Max from Cowo Asks: 5 Coworking Questions leading up to Coworking Europe

5 minute read

In just a couple of weeks I’ll be heading to Berlin, my first time in Berlin in fact, to give the opening presentation at the 2nd annual Coworking Europe Conference.

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How I Learned to Make Money

7 minute read

Update: this discussion on Reddit proved more worthwhile than expected, especially considering it’s abrupt introduction.

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BioCurious – Coworking for Biologists, Scientists, etc

1 minute read

Make genetically-engineered bacteria, sequence DNA, find the tools to get your bio-project growing, or make friends with amateurs and experts in the community.Meet BioCurious.

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The Importance of Rhythm & Rituals for Coworking Communities

4 minute read

If knowing how to start is hard, and knowing how (or when) to stop is even harder, then knowing how often to do things between starting and stopping is the hardest. Because of this, EVERYONE is guilty of having a “great idea” that doesn’t stick right away, and giving up after ...

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Indy Hall 4 Year Party Art Installation

1 minute read

The 4 year anniversary party photobooth was a huge hit, and Sean Martorana (who’s responsible for the vast majority of the art around Indy Hall over the last year) thought it would be fun to pick some of the best photos, have them printed and mounted, and then do a collage som...

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Coworking, no hyphen

1 minute read

When I started coworking and created the term I very consciously dropped the hyphen. My intention is for coworking to be closer to the word collaboration, which does not have a hyphen, rather than co-worker. I also wanted the term to feel informal, and a dash in coworking fe...

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A Look At Recent Coworking Space Closings

3 minute read

In the last few weeks, there’s been announcements of coworking spaces closing. First C4 in San Antonio, then ConvergeNJ. Todd from C4 was an active member of the coworking google group over the years, and I advised Steve from Converge early in his process of getting his effort...

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Coworking Core Values 5 of 5: Collaboration

3 minute read

This post is part 5 of a 5 part series exploring the 5 core values of coworking: Collaboration, Openness, Community, Accessibility, and Sustainability.

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92 Percent

1 minute read

As Indy Hall crests 150 members, I wondered – what is growth in terms of a coworking space, a workplace, or even a community in Philadelphia? Is it enough to measure concurrent member count, or should we be looking at something else?

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“We” Opened a Coworking Space

1 minute read

The person who wrote this asked me to stay anonymous, but this story was too good to keep to myself.

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How To Fund Your Coworking Space

7 minute read

One of the most common recurring questions that shows up in my inbox from prospective coworking space catalysts is rarely asked directly.

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Welcome to N3rd Street

7 minute read

In early summer of 2007, Indy Hall wasn’t a place, but it was a nomadic tribe. We were moving from bar to cafe to restaurant to living room – anywhere with wifi – in the pursuit of a better working experience than working alone in our apartments.

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The Long Term Relationships

2 minute read

“the long term relationships that lasted was with a network of people – much larger than those in your current company”This quote comes from a history lesson by Steve Blank about how Silicon Valley came to be what it is.

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Philly Startup Leaders is dealing with an Identity Crisis

4 minute read

I wasn’t in the room for the conversation and breakout groups, but PSL held it’s reboot “fishbowl” last night.

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