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Alex Hillman

better coworking, better business, and better communities

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Catch me if you can

3 minute read

Somehow, the month of September has gotten pretty nuts, and it hasn’t even begun yet. Since some of you follow me, you may be interested in my whereabouts. So here’s the plan:

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One Year at IndyHall to the day.

1 minute read

Amazing how far we came from sitting on the floor to packing the house and tearing up the Philly Scene on a regular basis.

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Coworking Panels at SXSW

2 minute read

Clearly, I’m learning! Normally I don’t do anything to plan for SXSW until a month or two before. This year, I’m turning over a new leaf!

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Anniversary Reflections

2 minute read

Today, 8/10/08, marks the 1 year anniversary of Geoff and I signing the lease and acquiring the keys to the office at 32 Strawberry street that myself and a few dozen others have come to fondly call home. That home has allowed for the cultivation of one of the most exciting an...

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The Great Open Source Birthday Party

1 minute read

IndyHall’s office is almost 1 year old. We signed our lease on August 10th, 2007, began occupying the space on August 13th, and over the next 2 weeks, built out our intial office. At the end of August, we threw our inaugral party.

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If FailCamp succeeds, is it still FailCamp?

5 minute read

The meta/double negative jokes ran wild yesterday, when Philadelphia became home of the first successful FailCamp (again, with the irony).

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Growth and Change

3 minute read

As one project I’m most passionate about approaches it’s 1st birthday, and another mission I set out on skims past 4 months since it’s inception, I’ve come to some realizations and the teams from both businesses and I made some tough decisions.

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We want your failures.

1 minute read

Amy Hoy and I have been talking about an event for long enough, it’s time to put ourselves on the hook and make it happen.

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Does coworking need a license?

6 minute read

I’ve been trying to deduce some of the missing links I see with the coworking community that I’ve grown to love oh so much. Not just IndyHall and the organizations in its periphery, but the place where some might say the most central coworking activity takes place: the coworki...

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Is coworking for profit or non-profit?

7 minute read

In a post today on Not An MBA, they evaluated the business side of coworking. And to be completely honest, I’m a little bothered by the category that we’ve been put into. We seem to be pushed aside in favor of the critically “for profit” models in terms of sustainability.

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On Civic Entrepreneurship

3 minute read

Geoff and I were out chatting about some things last night and in conversation I mentioned the term “Civic Entrepreneurship”. The word came out of my mouth nonchalantly, and frankly, I’m not sure where exactly I’d heard it before, or if I was using it in the appropriate contex...

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My first city council meeting

5 minute read

Today was the day I realized the value of live, citizen journalism.

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Keep your Audience Relevent – Not All Press is Good Press

4 minute read

The last few weeks have been VERY good to IndyHall and some of our other grassroots creative friends. One of the leaders of those groups, Blake Jennelle, asked me about the response from press. He asked if the recent spot on CBS Morning News, or the Philadelphia Business Journ...

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Creative Agency

7 minute read

Last week, I asked a bunch of my twitter followers, “What does creative mean to you?”

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What does creative mean to you?

1 minute read

The crew at IndyHall was talking this morning about all of the different definitions of creative, and how they vary from person to person. This is leading somewhere, I promise. But I need some reader feedback first.

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Doing vs. Enabling Doers

6 minute read

I’ve been in a funny spot for the last several weeks as I rock between my previous workflows of being wholly responsible for production work to being in a pseudo-management position and doing more advising, strategy, and writing. I’m still not entirely comfortable with it, mos...

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Donate Blood at IndyHall 3/29/08 – Taking Risks for Someone Else

1 minute read

Donating blood is such a simple act that can make such a huge difference. I know, lots of people don’t do well with needles or are afraid of blood. But think about it this way: what’s the last thing you risked something of yourself for someone else?

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Don’t lose your voice

5 minute read

I’m on the plane back from SXSW Interactive 2008.

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Your problems aren’t what make you special, your solutions are.

13 minute read

I spent this weekend in beautiful South Beach Miami attending FOWA (Future of Web Apps), one of the most acclaimed conference events in our industry at this point in time. Not only did I have a fantastic time taking in the familiar sights of SoBe, but connecting with old frien...

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They say things happen in 3s

9 minute read

Important Update: Alex’s involvement in Round3 has changed.

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